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1988 Ford Mustang LX- Cobra GT clone. Clear title
1985 Jaguar V12 sold with bill of sale ( not running)
2005 Dodge caravan only 51200 miles. Has disabled scooter lift in back.
1998 Dodge Dakota. sold with bill of sale
2003 Ford F-250 4x4 crew cab short bed. Clear title.
Farmall super M tractor
Two gas golf carts ( not running)
two John deer riding lawn Mowers ( not running)
tools and tool boxes
several Coleman lanterns
Chain saws
several wagon wheels
.410 shotgun
bench grinders on stands
several vises
hand tools
3point log splitter ( needs Work)
old metal porch chairs
old metal glider
porch swing made from wagon wheels
Gas air compressor
zero turn Hustler lawn mower
Oxygen acetylene set
500 gal. Propane tank
Older tire machine & balancer
Lawn mower suitcase weights
yard cart
Bench top drill press
old safe ( open but no combination)
Chain binders
railroad lamps
Boat motors ( no titles)
Lard press
25 sheets used tin